Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Friends and Family

This is a copy of a letter I am sending out. A lot of this information is familiar to you, if you've been keeping up with my blog. Thanks for taking the time to read it!

Dear Family and Friends,

As you know, I am living in Dublin, Ireland for a year, volunteering for an organization called CASA (Caring and Sharing Association.) I have been here for almost four months now, and I have enjoyed every moment! This work is truly rewarding and has challenged me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel that I am constantly pushed to grow and improve, and it is something that I have really needed in my life.

Even though this program has been greatly positive for me, it is even more important and beneficial to the members with disabilities that come to the break house. Each week, this house is a home, not only for us volunteers who are permanent inhabitants, but also for the members who come for a weekend. Most of the members come to what they consider their second home, and several who have lived in hospitals their entire lives think of as their only home. They come to get one-on-one attention and care and to participate in activities and games that they would normally not be able to do. At the end of the weekend, as they leave back to their normal lives, they thank us for the wonderful time and ask when they can come back. Several members have expressed that when they come here they are able to forget about their disability and just focus on spending time with friends, which is essential for them. (For more information on the organization, and stories from members, please visit the website: which is for the entire organization or which is about the break house only.)

CASA is funded purely by donations and proceeds from several second hand shops around Dublin. I was recently informed in a house meeting that the recession has hit Ireland and has consequently caused a constant decline in donations. Because of this, we have increased our fundraising, including a new idea called “Dine In for CASA” in which people are asked to have a dinner at their homes, and instead of the guests bringing a bottle of wine or a dessert, they could bring a donation for CASA.

I have been inspired by a fellow volunteer Tom O‘Brien, who lives in Cork, Ireland. He recently had his 40th birthday, and hosted a party in which people were asked to bring donations instead of gifts. Even though I live far away from home and am not able to have a fundraiser myself, I decided that I could still do my part and ask my family and friends if you would be able to help. If any of you would be interested in participating in the “Dine In“, or even simply donating directly to CASA, please contact me.

Thank you so much for your consideration!

God bless,

Claire Vandecoevering
15 Ard Na Mara
Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland

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